“...the birds of the air will come and nest in its branches.” ~ Matt. 13:32
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January 2023 MTM is blessed to partner with Juan Grateron and his Gotas de Amor (Drops of Love) Missions organization based in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. By the grace of God and the generosity of donors, Juan been able to accomplish much this past year! From taking Bibles and Christian education materials to poor churches in rural areas, to feeding children in an orphanage and a poverty-ridden neighborhood outside of Barquisimeto, Juan has been able to minister to the needs of many children in Venezuela! His foundation is currently furnishing food to Iglesia Dulce Refugio (Sweet Refuge Church) that is hosting a children’s feeding program in the poor neighborhood of La Sabila just outside of Barquisimeto. Juan grew up in this neighborhood and MTM has ministered in this community many times during the years we traveled to Barquisimeto. He is also taking food and supplies to the Light of Hope orphanage in a very poor rural area as well as distributing Bibles to churches in rural areas We are believing that God will expand this ministry even more in the coming year! See the Drops of Love Missions Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/gotasdeamormissions.

The latest news on MTM ministry in other countries.

June 2023 Juan Grateron has been representing MTM in Barquisimeto, Venezuela for 2 years. This past week he moved to Brazil with his wife, Maria, and their 2 children. The situation in Venezuela had become unbearable and the children had not been able to attend school this past year. While we are going to miss his presence in Venezuela and the work he was doing there, we are excited for him and his family as they start a new adventure in Florianopolis, Brazil. Juan has many plans for ministry there. The very first night they were there, they were already out ministering to and praying for homeless people on the streets. We are looking forward to what God has in store for them in their new home and are continuing to send him support as donations come in. Please consider giving to help Juan and Maria minister to those in need in Brazil. (6/9/23)
March 2024 Mustard Tree continues to send funds to the feeding program in LaSabila, Venezuela. Here are some of the latest pics:
In addition to the feeding program, the children also learn about Jesus thru crafts and Bible lessons. We greatly appreciate the hard-working volunteers who prepare and serve the food and teach the lessons. In the last pic, these ladies are preparing arepas, the traditional bread of Venezuela.

January 2025

MTM has continued to send funds for the children’s feeding program in La Sabila (Barquisimeto), Venezuela. See this video of the Christmas activites they had in December. >>>>>>> Juan has also been ministering in Brazil. He has been holding Bible studies with children and passing out salvation tracts to people wherever he goes. He can’t send pics of the kids he’s ministering to due to privacy reasons. But here’s a pic of the materials he’s using.
January 2023 MTM is blessed to partner with Juan Grateron and his Gotas de Amor (Drops of Love) Missions organization based in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. By the grace of God and the generosity of donors, Juan been able to accomplish much this past year! From taking Bibles and Christian education materials to poor churches in rural areas, to feeding children in an orphanage and a poverty-ridden neighborhood outside of Barquisimeto, Juan has been able to minister to the needs of many children in Venezuela! His foundation is currently furnishing food to Iglesia Dulce Refugio (Sweet Refuge Church) that is hosting a children’s feeding program in the poor neighborhood of La Sabila just outside of Barquisimeto. Juan grew up in this neighborhood and MTM has ministered in this community many times during the years we traveled to Barquisimeto. He is also taking food and supplies to the Light of Hope orphanage in a very poor rural area as well as distributing Bibles to churches in rural areas We are believing that God will expand this ministry even more in the coming year! See the Drops of Love Missions Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/gotasdeamormissions.
June 2023 Juan Grateron has been representing MTM in Barquisimeto, Venezuela for 2 years. This past week he moved to Brazil with his wife, Maria, and their 2 children. The situation in Venezuela had become unbearable and the children had not been able to attend school this past year. While we are going to miss his presence in Venezuela and the work he was doing there, we are excited for him and his family as they start a new adventure in Florianopolis, Brazil. Juan has many plans for ministry there. The very first night they were there, they were already out ministering to and praying for homeless people on the streets. We are looking forward to what God has in store for them in their new home and are continuing to send him support as donations come in. Please consider giving to help Juan and Maria minister to those in need in Brazil. (6/9/23)
March 2024 Mustard Tree continues to send funds to the feeding program in LaSabila, Venezuela. In addition to the feeding program, the children also learn about Jesus thru crafts and Bible lessons. We greatly appreciate the hard-working volunteers who prepare and serve the food and teach the lessons. Below are some of the latest pics. In the last pic, these ladies are preparing arepas, the traditional bread of Venezuela.

January 2025

MTM has continued to send funds for the children’s feeding program in La Sabila (Barquisimeto), Venezuela. See this video of the Christmas activites they had in December. >>>>>>> Juan has also been ministering in Brazil. He has been holding Bible studies with children and passing out salvation tracts to people wherever he goes. He can’t send pics of the kids he’s ministering to due to privacy reasons. But here’s a pic of the materials he’s using.

The latest news on MTM ministry in other countries.

Mustard Tree Missions, Inc. ©2017
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Juan has supplied food each week for the children's feeding program in La Sabila. In December, the children were treated to a special Christmas dinner and party. The kids were served the traditional Venezuelan Christmas meal. They got special treats after the dinner. Partnering with the Bible League of Venezuela. Juan and Marie at the newly aquired property.
June 2023 Juan Grateron has been representing MTM in Barquisimeto, Venezuela for 2 years. This past week he moved to Brazil with his wife, Maria, and their 2 children. The situation in Venezuela had become unbearable and the children had not been able to attend school this past year. While we are going to miss his presence in Venezuela and the work he was doing there, we are excited for him and his family as they start a new adventure in Florianopolis, Brazil. Juan has many plans for ministry there. The very first night they were there, they were already out ministering to and praying for homeless people on the streets. We are looking forward to what God has in store for them in their new home and are continuing to send him support as donations come in. Please consider giving to help Juan and Maria minister to those in need in Brazil. (6/9/23)
March 2024 Mustard Tree continues to send funds to the feeding program in LaSabila, Venezuela. In addition to the feeding program, the children also learn about Jesus thru crafts and Bible lessons. We greatly appreciate the hard-working volunteers who prepare and serve the food and teach the lessons. Below are some of the latest pics. In the last pic, these ladies are preparing arepas, the traditional bread of Venezuela.

January 2025

MTM has continued to send funds for the children’s feeding program in La Sabila (Barquisimeto), Venezuela. See this video of the Christmas activites they had in December. >>>>>>> Juan has also been ministering in Brazil. He has been holding Bible studies with children and passing out salvation tracts to people wherever he goes. He can’t send pics of the kids he’s ministering to due to privacy reasons. But here’s a pic of the materials he’s using.
“...the birds of the air will come      and nest in its branches.” ~ Matt. 13:32

The latest news on MTM

ministry in other countries.

Mustard Tree Missions, Inc. ©2017 January 2023 MTM is blessed to partner with Juan Grateron and his Gotas de Amor (Drops of Love) Missions organization based in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. By the grace of God and the generosity of donors, Juan been able to accomplish much this past year! From taking Bibles and Christian education materials to poor churches in rural areas, to feeding children in an orphanage and a poverty-ridden neighborhood outside of Barquisimeto, Juan has been able to minister to the needs of many children in Venezuela!   His foundation is currently furnishing food to Iglesia Dulce Refugio (Sweet Refuge Church) that is hosting a children’s feeding program in the poor neighborhood of La Sabila just outside of Barquisimeto. Juan grew up in this neighborhood and MTM has ministered in this community many times during the years we traveled to Barquisimeto.  He is also taking food and supplies to the Light of Hope orphanage in a very poor rural area as well as distributing Bibles to churches in rural areas We are believing that God will expand this ministry even more in the coming year!  See the Drops of Love Missions Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/gotasdeamormissions. Click on a photo to enlarge.